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  • English 1301 Research Essay

    Overview: Take a stance on a current ethical issue, backed by research, and present a well-structured argument. Once you have a narrowed ethical issue topic, you will research this topic, narrowing your topic into an argument. Integrate source texts into your argument, presenting a clear stance on the issue and providing reasons for your position and the points discussed in the body of your essay.

    Topics: To choose a topic, you will reflect on the story/plot of the character you wrote about in your previous essays. Find possible ethical issues present in the storyline and choose one that you think would be interesting to research. Once you have a narrowed ethical issue topic, you will research this topic, narrowing down your topic into an argument. If you struggle to think of an issue you are passionate about from the story plot, you might choose a topic you are personally passionate about.

    Research: Use 8 varied sources (library, news, videos, journals, textbooks, *your interview with a mentor) to support your essay's points.

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