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  • Avoiding Plagiarism

    Follow these six tips from Turnitin when you are researching and writing to help you avoid plagiarism:

    1. Manage your time wisely during the research and writing process.

    2. Employ effective research strategies.

    3. Choose when to summarize, paraphrase, or quote information from your sources. 

    4. Provide proper citations for paraphrased, quoted, or summarized information. 

    5. Use the Turnitin Similarity Report to revise your mistakes.

    6. Own your academic integrity and ask questions when you need help. 

    Video: How to Avoid Plagiarism with 3 Simple Tricks

    The information above, Six Steps to Effective Paraphrasing, is credited to Turnitin and resource licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.