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  • Academic Video Online: Streaming Media on Mathematics

    Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 66,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Below are just a few videos available to you, search Academic Video Online for more videos on Mathematics.  



      Algebraic Expressions: Exercises 

    Produced by Easy Education, In College Algebra, Chapter 1: Intro to Algebra (Kitchener, ON: Easy Education, 2019), 21 minutes


    Note: This is one part of a thirsty-seven video series. View series page here


      Integral Test of Series Convergence

    This program covers the important topic of Integral Tests of Series Convergence in Calculus. We begin by discussing what an Integral Test is and why it is a central topic in Calculus. Next, we solve several practical calculus problems that give students practice with these calculations. The entire lesson is taught by working example problems beginning with the easier ones and gradually progressing to the harder problems. Emphasis is placed on giving students confidence in their skills by gradual repetition so that the skills learned in this section are committed to long-term memory.


    Note: This is one part of a nine video series. View series page here


      A Tourist's Guide to Differential Equations

    What is a differential equation, the pendulum equation, and some basic numerical methods.


    Note: This is one part of a five video series. View series page here


     Data Presentation: Exercise 1

    Descriptive Statistics, Data Presentation, Exercise.

    Note: This is one part of a forty-six video series. View series page here

    Streaming Media & Videos