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  • Galveston CollegeLibrary
  • Books

    Search the library catalog to find books.


    The library has hundreds of thousands of eBooks available through our eBook Collections: 

    Virtual Book Display

    Virtual Displays are curated collections hand-picked by our staff and librarians. Virtual Displays showcase a selection of titles related to a specific genre, subject, or recent topic of interest. Check out the Virtual Book Display

    Material Delivery Service

    Galveston College Library provides free-to-access library resources and materials for off-campus distance learning students. To learn more about the eligibility requirements, see the Material Delivery Service Guidelines.

    Interlibrary Loans (ILLs)

    Students, faculty, and staff can use the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service to request books and journal articles unavailable at our library. Please see the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) resource guide for more information about Interlibrary Loans, Material Delivery, and the TexShare Card. programs. You can also watch the short video below to familiarize yourself with the ILL process.