
An Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice
This self-paced, interactive tutorial will take you through the complete EBP process, emphasizing the elements of a well-built clinical question and the key issues that help determine the validity of evidence. This program was developed by the Medical Center Library at Duke University and the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Toronto)
- This website aims to help develop, disseminate, and evaluate resources that can be used to practice and teach EBM for undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education for health care professionals from various clinical disciplines. This site also supports the book Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM by Sharon E. Straus, W. Scott Richardson, Paul Glasziou, and R. Brian Haynes (3rd edition).
- BMJ EBM Toolkit
- The BMJ's free EBM toolkit enables individuals to learn, practice, and discuss EBM and provides EBM tools. There is information introducing the key methods of EBM, such as clarifying a clinical question, designing a search and appraising, synthesizing, and assessing the quality of the evidence. Additionally, this information is intended to support and promote discussion around EBM.
- Forming Focused Questions with PICO: About PICO
- This guide from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill introduces the PICO question framework for evidence-based practice. It explores PICO's history, purpose, and limitations. This guide introduces other question frameworks and provides example questions across many health professions.
This information was adapted from Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike license.