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  • Academic Video Online: Streaming Media on Instrumentation Technology

    Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 66,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Below are just a few videos available to you, search Academic Video Online for more videos on Instrumentation Technology.  


     Alaskan Oil Pipeline, in Modern Marvels

    The Trans-Alaska Pipeline opened in 1977, carrying crude oil from Prudhoe Bay to Prince William Sound, a distance of 800 miles. It is one of the most important and impressive engineering projects of the modern age. Alaskan Oil Pipeline tells the complete tale of the long struggle to feed a nation desperate for oil.

     Power Plants, in Modern Marvels

    From Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla to Enrico Fermi and Albert Einstein, the world's greatest minds have enabled mankind to acquire light, heat, and power with a simple flip of switch. People are able to control the climate, process information and tend to their health all thanks to electricity, which relies on power plants to get the job done. From coal to nuclear these plants are necessary get power where it is needed.

    Streaming Media & Videos