Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 66,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Below are just a few videos available to you, search Academic Video Online for more videos on Lifespan & Development.
Aging: Health Across the Lifespan follows the process of healthy aging and brings concepts to life through visits with the researcher and participants in the longest-term study of adult development ever undertaken. Discusses new developments in Alzheimer's Disease. Lesson 23 of Journey to Health: Mind, Body, Spirit, by the Dallas County Community College District.
In this invited address, the emerging science of the adolescent period will be explored to reveal that the essence of this important time of life is actually the source of vitality throughout the lifespan. Reframing this view of our teen years and beyond can help shape how adolescents and adults approach this challenging period of growth. From the Evolution of Psychotherapy, by the Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
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